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CropLife Europe’s statement on Farm to Fork targets trends for 2022

By July 10, 2024No Comments

The publication by the Commission of this year’s Farm to fork trends on 8 July demonstrates that European farmers are very close to meeting the 2030 pesticide reduction targets. As a result of their hard work and commitment we’ve seen a decrease of 12% in the use and risk of chemical pesticides since 2021, and a 46% reduction compared to the baseline period of 2015-2017.

Farmers are now 4% away from achieving the 2030 target. This progress highlights their dedication to sustainable farming. Having access to a full toolbox is critical for farmers. Our sector is focused on supporting farmers in their sustainability journey byactively developing new sustainable solutions and strategies.

We want to thank our farmers for their ongoing efforts and hard work. This achievement is a step forward for everyone. Their progress is a positive example of what can be achieved through commitment, collaboration and innovation.