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CropLife Europe comment on the result of the vote in European Parliament plenary on Sustainable Use Regulation

By November 23, 2023February 5th, 2024No Comments

CropLife Europe fully supports the objectives of the Green Deal and is dedicated to continuing its commitment. We have always maintained that the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) presented an opportunity to further assist farmers in their transition to more resilient and sustainable farming practices. 

In order to truly embrace the current reality and ensure progress is not hindered, it is important to acknowledge and appreciate the advancements that have been made thus far in terms of crop protection practices and handling of Plant Protection Products in the EU.

We believe a comprehensive toolbox of regulatory policies is required to meet this challenge effectively. We need to offer a diversified approach to farmers and that is why our focus remains on providing farmers with innovative solutions in and beyond the field. By embracing digital and precision agriculture, new generation pesticides, novel biopesticides and new genomic techniques, we not only drive the transition to sustainable agriculture but also support Europe’s goal of building more resilient food systems.

It is crucial that any legislative text that could impact food production moving forward recognises the importance of these solutions and offers a workable transition pathway.