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Parliament calls for technological and innovative solutions for farming

By June 7, 2016February 19th, 2024No Comments
MEPs today voted on two own-initiative reports: ‘Technological solutions for sustainable agriculture’ from Conservative MEP Anthea McIntyre, and ‘Enhancing innovation and economic development in future European farm management’ from Liberal MEP Jan Huitema. These reports call for innovative and technological solutions in agriculture policy.  These timely reports underline the importance of innovative technologies for European agriculture. New solutions are essential in ensuring agricultural competitiveness and sustainability. Following on from the conclusions of the European Competitiveness Council, we support the concept of the innovation principle and its inclusion in the EU’s policy and regulatory framework. The crop protection industry is a key stakeholder for innovative solutions in agriculture. ECPA member companies heavily invest in solutions to support farmers with a robust and innovative toolbox of pesticides, which helps deliver secure, safe and affordable food. Furthermore pesticides and other plant science innovations boost crop yields, minimise pre-and post-harvest losses and improve the efficient use of natural resources such as land, water and energy. Innovation has made crop protection safer and more effective than ever before – for both the environment and for the consumer.