The BREAM (Bystander and Resident Exposure Assessment Model) (Kennedy et al., 2012) for bystander and resident exposure to spray drift from boom spray- ers has recently been incorporated into the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidance for determining non-dietary exposures of humans to plant protection products (EFSA, 2014). This paper investigates new approaches for characterizing the ‘Collection Efficiency’ of the human body
The BREAM 2 calculator can be found here: click or click
M. Clare Butler Ellis (1), Marc C. Kennedy (2), Christian J. Kuster (3) , Rafael Alanis (1) and Clive R. Tuck (1)
(1)Silsoe Spray Applications Unit, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford MK45 4HP, UK;
(2) Fera Science Ltd (Fera) National Agri-Food Innovation Campus, Sand Hutton, York, YO41 1LZ, UK;
(3)Occupational and Residential Exposure, Bayer AG Crop Science Division, 40789 Monheim, Alfred Nobel Straße 50, Germany