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Evaluation of honey bee larvae data: sensitivity to PPPs and impact analysis of EFSA Bee GD

  • Risk assessments using real larval data confirm that the chronic risk for adults is the key driver of honey bee risk in the EFSA Bee GD as stated in the original impact analysis.
  • Based on the data with different larval endpoints it can be concluded that larval tests providing D7/D8 endpoints can be used in the risk assessment for non-toxic compounds.
  • For toxic compounds, the differences between sensitivity on D8 and on D22 will likely increase RA failure rates, if exclusively D22 endpoint would be used for the Tier 1 RA.
  • Insecticide failure in the larval chronic Tier 1 RA triggers the need for higher-tier data to refine the risk. However there is still a lack of workable higher-tier study guidelines, agreement on endpoints or how they should be used to refine the RA.
  • When basing the RA of bumblebee and solitary bee larvae on 1/10th of the honey bee endpoint, the majority of active substances and their respective products will fail the risk assessment.