Additional safety assessment of a stacked trait product produced by conventional breeding should not be required unless there is a plausible and testable hypothesis for interaction of the traits. However, the different approaches employed for the regulation of stacked trait products between countries results in asynchronous approvals, increasing the potential for trade flow disruptions, and adds to the regulatory burden for product developers.
Laurie Goodwina,∗, Penny Hunstb, Luis Burzioc, Laura Rowed, Stephanie Moneye, Suma Chakravarthya,∗∗
aCropLife International, Washington, DC
bBASF Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC cBayer U.S. – CropScience, Chesterfield, MO dCorteva Agriscience TM, Johnston, IA
eSyngenta, Crop Protection, LLC., Research Triangle Park, NC