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Croplife Europe signs the Code of Conduct for responsible food business and marketing practices

By July 2, 2021February 9th, 2024No Comments

The EU Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketing Practices is one of the first deliverables of the Farm to Fork Strategy and an integral part of its action plan. It sets out the actions that the “middle of the chain” actors can voluntarily commit to undertake to improve and communicate their sustainability performance.

Considering the interlinkages in the agri-food industrial ecosystem, stakeholders in the wider food system were also involved in developing the Code. CropLife Europe has participated in the preparatory work as a member of the task force on “Improving the sustainability of the food value chain in relation to primary producers”.

With our signature to the Code of Conduct we pledge to:

  1. endorse the aspirational objectives set out in the Code of Conduct;
  2. promote and disseminate the Code of Conduct with(in) our constituencies;
  3. encourage our members to align their actions to the aspirational objectives and targets of the Code of Conduct;
  4. explore the possibility of developing sector-specific tools and resources in support of the Code of Conduct;
  5. provide, on an annual basis, a report of our activities in support of the Code of Conduct;
  6. continue to engage in dialogue with other food chain/systems actors and EU and international policy- makers to forge (new) relationships, exchange good practices and discuss challenges encountered, learn from each other (studies, projects) and create better mutual understanding, and identifyopportunities for collaboration and potential partnership.

The Code’s objectives are very much in line with CropLife Europe’s 2030 Commitments whereby we launched six ambitious commitments clustered into three distinct focus areas, contributing to and aligning with the ambitions of the EU Green Deal. We are committed to making agriculture more resilient and sustainable, and are committed to driving a better, greener recovery.