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Public Statements

CropLife Europe’s comment on the ECJ preliminary ruling on art 53 – emergency authorizations

By January 19, 2023February 19th, 2024No Comments

On the 19th January 2023 European Court of Justice (ECJ) delivered today (19/01/2023) its judgement on whether Member States should be able to grant repeated emergency authorizations under Article 53 of Regulation 1107/2009.

Reacting to the judgement, Anika Gatt Seretny, Senior Communications Manager of CropLife Europe, said:“While we don’t agree with resorting to derogations on a regular basis, we believe in the principle that allows farmers to have access to solutions that can protect crops when they have no other option. The reasons behind the derogations are linked to delays for alternative biopesticide or pesticide product authorisations and/or lack of recognition of registrations between Member States allowing for a product to be used. Essentially, it is a symptom of the regulatory roadblocks of the current regulation 1107. This ruling gives further clarity on when derogations may be authorised by Member States.”