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ECPA is a sponsor of the AgChem and Technology Congress in London

By August 31, 2018February 9th, 2024No Comments
ECPA is a sponsor of this years AgChem & Technology Europe Congress taking place on November 20-21 in London with active participation of Graeme Taylor as a speaker. The main topic will be “Facilitating the innovation of sustainable R&D, formulations and application technologies within agriculture.”   Due to strict EU regulations and changing public perceptions there has been a huge shift in the demand for ‘green’ agriproducts.  At the AgChem and Technology Congress, you will have the opportunity to learn from key agrochemical companies as well as leading academics about how they are working to produce more sustainable crop protection products, including challenges they have overcome with their new formulations, application technologies and strategies.The AgChem & Technology Congress will focus on:•    The Discovery of novel approaches for developing new active ingredients.    •    How surfactants and adjuvants can impact the performance of the active agri-products.•    Developments in precision farming to tackle issues with crop protection delivery.•    The incorporation of biologicals and overcoming the associated issues with stability.Hear from speakers such as Dr Malcolm Faers from Bayer CropScience, Dr William Abrahams from Monsanto, Professor Simon Blackmore from Harper Adams University as well as ECPA’s very own Director of Public Affairs, Graeme Taylor.With meeting time available during the networking breaks to facilitate new collaborations, this congress will provide you with all that you need to be at the forefront of the future of crop protection.