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EPAA launches 2016 science prize

By June 2, 2016February 9th, 2024No Comments
The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA)* is proud to launch the 2016 EPAA 3Rs Science Prize.This year, the EPAA partners will grant a 10,000€ prize to a European scientist working on development or implementation of alternatives to animal testing.The EPAA 3Rs Science Prize is granted every other year to a scientist whose contribution (already achieved research or current project with already tangible results) to 3Rs is found to be outstanding. Its purpose is to promote such positive contributions from industry or academia and to encourage more scientists in the future to focus their research to the 3Rs goals.Scientists working on methods for safety and/or quality testing and applying the 3Rs (replacement, reduction or refinement of animal testing) to those methods may apply for this prize before September 23rd.Further information is available on the EPAA website. — *ECPA is a member of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing, (EPAA) and we’re committed to requiring the minimum number of animals, treating them appropriately and responsibly, and using alternative research and testing methods whenever feasible.