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INNOSETA Horizon 2020

By January 1, 2020February 19th, 2024No Comments

About the project

INNOSETA is an international cooperation between 15 partners focussing on spraying equipment, training and advising. It is a Horizon 2020 project which started in May 2018 and will be completed by April 2021.

In the context of Farm to Fork and EU’s Digital Agenda this is a very important project with the aim of supplying more productive and sustainable agricultural production, based on a more precise and efficient use of pesticides.

Most practitioners see the huge benefits in the precision and digital agriculture. However, the fast pace of development, their complexity, diversity in farm sizes in Europe, cultural perception, lack of expertise and economic constraints are drawbacks that have hindered adoption by farmers. In addition, an innovation gap exists, as “researchers invent things that are often not picked up by the end-users as they are often not aware of the applied research, as well as they often don’t deal with the issues that matter to farmers”.

Objectives of the project

The main objective of INNOSETA is to set up an Innovative self-sustainable Thematic Network on Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising to contribute in closing the gap between the available novel high-end crop protection solutions – either commercial or from applicable research results- with the everyday European agricultural practices.

Why is CropLife Europe a part of it?

Our industry believes in digital and precision agriculture.

To further the European Commission’s ambition of a digital and green recovery, we want to play our part in advancing the deployment of digital

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