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NGTs: What Are They, and Why Are They Important?

By October 22, 2024January 28th, 2025No Comments

What are NGTs?

New genomic techniques, or NGTs are techniques that enhance the precision of plant breeding through targeted genetic changes. Growers have historically selected plants to improve yields, combat diseases, and enhance quality. Plant improvements that once took decades to be achieved through conventional breeding may be obtained more efficiently with the use of NGTs.

The Potential of NGTs.

Despite the urgent need for plant innovation and the many benefits of NGT plants, their current regulatory framework is not fit for purpose. In the EU, products developed through NGTs are currently regulated under the legislation for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), despite the fundamental differences between NGTs and transgenic plants, which are plants changed through the insertion of foreign DNA. This approach is not scientifically justified. An enabling framework must be non-discriminatory and allow conventional-like NGTs to be treated as conventional plants.

The lack of an enabling framework puts EU developers, farmers, academics, and research institutions at a competitive disadvantage to international competitors and jeopardises the EU’s sustainability goals.

Check out our video below for more information about NGTs.